miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2008

funny questions and tips fore going out

hi!!! me again in my blog...
My topic was ¨going out¨, so it was very easy to invent the question, it was a funn topic....
Some of my questions were:
1) Were do you like to take out your boyfriend/girlfriend in your anniversary?
In general the answers werevery similar...
simon: In a good restotan, something romantic and with a good atmosfer. If I feel creative, we can go out to a picnic in the intercomunal park.
susana: Mmmm i love to go out in a nice restoran o maby if is weekend we go tothe Beach (la Serena , she love this Beach)

2) It is common fore you go out with your family? like all together?
Simon: Ny anymore, because the last one in Brsil was a desaster. We went to Brasil and my mother was all the time stresfull, we (me and my brothers) wanted party and she wanted get up early and make tourist bored life.
Susana: Not anymore ( she doesn´t seem sad to me), we rent the Beachhous.

3) Do you go out with your school friends yet?
Simon: Yes!!! all the time, and muy university friends meet them and we go out all together, it is so much funn!!
Susana: Yes, my best friend is from my school. I was in the same scholl all my life so y have very good and old friends fom there. We meet 4 times a year.

4) What was the best pace tht you went out on a date?
Simon: It was in a restoran, the name was¨C¨, it is in borde río (River Edge), it was fantastic,
the food was great, the attention was good and my girlfriend looked beautiful that night.

ok, I have many more funny questions and answers, but anfortunately I must to do my homework number 2

....see you guys then!


1 comentario:

nancy dijo...

Hi Pili...
I like to go out with my friends of the school every time that I can.
They don't live here in Santiago, most are studying in the fifth region so we always have "carrete porteño"
Ok, we see.....