miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2008

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a 2004 American drama and
romantic comedy. The director was Michel Gondry.
The film uses elements of science fiction and neosurrealism to explore
the nature of memory and love.

The film was protagonised by stars Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet and
features Kirsten Dunst, Mark Ruffalo, Tom Wilkinson, Elijah Wood, Jane
Adams, and David Cross. The movie's title is taken from the poem
Eloisa to Abelard by Alexander Pope which was the story of a tragic
love affair.

The history's move is about an emotionally withdrawn Joel Barish
(Carrey) and dysfunctional free spirit Clementine Kruczynski
(Winslet). They meet in a Long Island Rail Road train. They are
inexplicably drawn to each other, despite their radically different
After having spent two years together they decided brake up, she was
terribly sad and hired a New York firm – Lacuna, Inc. – to erase all
memories of their relationship. Upon discovering this, Joel is
devastated and decides to undergo this same procedure himself.
But in the middle having these same memories erased, he rebels,
realizing he wants to hold on to his memories of Clementine and
himself after all.
The film takes place in Joel's mind and how he try to preserve at
least some memory of his love for Clementine.

I saw the film two years ago with my ex-boyfriend, and I like it very
much because it raises many questions. It is better to know all, even
the things than can make us suffer very very much?,or live in "happy
I personally prefer, and I have always preferred to suffer than forget
and I hope that nothing so bad happens to me and can keep this

miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2008

I don’t know if it is my favourite place in Chile, because we have amazing places here and I've gone only once, but I remember this place as a very special place in Chile, full of beliefs, histories and colours that are different than in any other part of Chile. This place is the island of Chiloe.

The architecture there is incredible, the houses in the “palafitos” of different colours to brig happiness to the cloudy days.
The palafitos are built on wooden pillars in the water, not an original architecture of Chiloe, but were adopted in Ancud, Quemchi, Castro, Chonchi and other ports, for better utilization of the coast during business expansion in the nineteenth century.

The other architectural style in their buildings is in the houses that use a special type of tiles “tejuelas” they are of “Alerce” and balconies to see the ocean.

I really like how the people has there their own mythology because Chiloé have a rich folklore with many mythological animals and spirits and histories the most famous are the Caleuche, the Trauco, the Pincoya, etc.
I was there with a course that I take here in The University so I went with all my class and teachers. It was very fun. We work all day in a house that was in bad conditions and make a project to rebuild the houses. The houses that we take for work were very representative of architecture in Chiloe, so it was very important to preserve them. Obviously it was not all work. At night we went out dancing and drinking wine with all the class and teachers.

That’s my special place in Chile and I recommend it!! (If you can, take this curse)

Kisses Pili

domingo, 5 de octubre de 2008

My favourite piece of technogy is definitely the phone. I know that it is not the most modern but when I compare the others pieces I always find better the telephone.With phone I´meen the cel phone and the “regular” phone. I really don’t. remember when was the first time that I use it. But I can say now that I use the phone 20 times a day.
I don’t have any idea how our Fathers or Grandfathers did to coordinate their appointments. I have always thought that must have been many misunderstandings. Normally I use it many times but for a very short time. Usually to coordinate appointments and to plan parties. I like also because every day they cange a little and the Industries are creating new models with different uses. Now the phone is also computer, calendar, clock etc.

I don’t know if Meier is the best achitect in the world ( it is a imposible Is a question for me), but I can say that is an architect that I like very much. I have been fortunate to see many of its buildings in Europe. A building that I liked is the Jubilee Church in Rome. It is a building very spiritual and I remember been very exited when I was there for the first time.
Here is something about his biography:
I Meier was born in Newark, New Jersey. He earned a Bachelor of Architecture degree from Cornell University in 1957,
Much of Meier's work builds on the work of architects of the early to mid-20th century, especially that of Le Corbusier and, in particular, Le Corbusier's early phase. Meier has built more using Corbusier's ideas than anyone, including Le Corbusier himself.
Meier expanded many ideas evident in Le Corbusier's work, particularly the Villa Savoye and the Swiss Pavilion.
His work also reflects the influences of other designers such as Mies Van der Rohe and, in some instances, Frank Lloyd Wright.
White has been used in many architectural landmark buildings throughout history, including cathedrals and the white-washed villages of the Mediterranean region, in Spain, southern Italy and Greece.

miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2008

funny questions and tips fore going out

hi!!! me again in my blog...
My topic was ¨going out¨, so it was very easy to invent the question, it was a funn topic....
Some of my questions were:
1) Were do you like to take out your boyfriend/girlfriend in your anniversary?
In general the answers werevery similar...
simon: In a good restotan, something romantic and with a good atmosfer. If I feel creative, we can go out to a picnic in the intercomunal park.
susana: Mmmm i love to go out in a nice restoran o maby if is weekend we go tothe Beach (la Serena , she love this Beach)

2) It is common fore you go out with your family? like all together?
Simon: Ny anymore, because the last one in Brsil was a desaster. We went to Brasil and my mother was all the time stresfull, we (me and my brothers) wanted party and she wanted get up early and make tourist bored life.
Susana: Not anymore ( she doesn´t seem sad to me), we rent the Beachhous.

3) Do you go out with your school friends yet?
Simon: Yes!!! all the time, and muy university friends meet them and we go out all together, it is so much funn!!
Susana: Yes, my best friend is from my school. I was in the same scholl all my life so y have very good and old friends fom there. We meet 4 times a year.

4) What was the best pace tht you went out on a date?
Simon: It was in a restoran, the name was¨C¨, it is in borde río (River Edge), it was fantastic,
the food was great, the attention was good and my girlfriend looked beautiful that night.

ok, I have many more funny questions and answers, but anfortunately I must to do my homework number 2

....see you guys then!